The Entertainment Committee has been in existence as long as our Homeowners Board. The Entertainment Committee is not a club, but an extension of the Homeowners Board.. Our committee is made up of a group of residents just like you, therefore, we are sanctioned by the board, not funded by the Board.
SRP Westerly Entertainment Committee meets the first Monday of the month to discuss, create, and plan events at the lowest possible price for our community. We also host the monthly "Let's Dance" along with at least one other event each month.
The Entertainment Committee collects hats, gloves and scarves for the children and a toy drive at Christmas time. The Committee sponsors two house decorating contests; one at Halloween and another at Christmas. Thanks to community donations we decorate the outside of the clubhouse with holiday lights.
We are a very active group of our residents. We always welcome new members both male and female. Come join us all are welcome.
For questions or information call Cookie.
Cookie Argenzia